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How To Display SureCart Sales Alerts Using NotificationX?

4 min read

Sales Notification lets you display the recent purchase of your products made by the customers as a notification popup on your website. Thanks to this fantastic FOMO Technique, you are able to immediately grab the attention of your visitors & increase your conversion rate. With NotificationX, you can easily add fascinating SureCart sales alerts to your WordPress website to keep everyone engaged and boost sales.

How To Set Up SureCart Sales Alert With NotificationX? #

Before you begin, make sure that you have installed and activated the SureCart WordPress网站上的插件。

Step1: Add New Notification #

转到WordPress仪表板并导航至 wp-admin → NotificationX → NotificationX. Then, right at the top, click on ‘Add New’.

SureCart Sales Alerts

Step 2: Choose SureCart As Source #

完成第1步后,您将被重定向到 '资源' Tab page of your NotificationX. You can also put a title. Use the drop-down menu to select ‘Sales Notification’ as your Notification type. Then, simply pick ‘SureCart’ 作为你的来源。然后,继续并单击 '下一个' 按钮。

SureCart Sales Integrations

Step 3: Customize The Design #

来自 '设计' 标签,您可以选择一种布局,还可以根据自己的喜好灵活使用“高级设计”选项来自定义它。来自 '主题' section, the chosen layout is how the ‘Sales Notification’ will be displayed on your website.

You can modify your chosen Theme by customizing it through ‘高级设计” 选项。从本节中,您将能够轻松地将样式添加到设计,图像外观和版式中。您可以为通知弹出窗口添加背景或文本颜色。此外,您还可以添加边框并为其添加样式。

“图像外观” 部分可让您更改 ‘Image Shape’ 从这三个中选择:圆形、圆形和方形。您也可以使用下拉菜单 ‘Position’ 改变图像的位置:左或右。销售通知由三行组成。从 “版式” 部分,您也可以更改每行的字体大小。

SureCart Sales Integrations

Step 4: Customize The Content #

然后,您将被重定向到 '内容' tab, from where you can modify your ‘Notification Template’ and add your preferred content text. NotificationX offers a “通知模板” 为您的内容。您可以轻松地继续选择您喜欢的变量。这些变量有助于显示在特定时间间隔内购买了特定产品的用户的姓名。

此外,您还可以添加将显示在通知弹出窗口中的文本。另一方面, “高级模板” 让您完全控制自定义整个内容 SureCart sales alerts.

For example, with the Content settings, your notification popup will display content such as this ‘John Doe recently purchased Example Product 1 hour ago’. From “链接选项”,你可以选择一个 '链接类型' 为您的通知弹出。只需点击 '下一个' 按钮继续。

SureCart Sales Integrations

Step 5: Customize The Appearance #

在里面 '显示' tab, there are two available sections: Image & Visibility. From the ‘Image’ section, you can use the checkbox to display the default image or an avatar in the notification popup. If the users don’t have any ‘Avatar’ 在他们的个人资料中设置,您可以简单地显示 ‘Default’ 通过选择图像 ‘Default Image’ 复选框并上传默认图像。此外,您将有机会展示客户购买的产品图片。

You can set the pages where you want to display the Sales Notification from the’ Visibility’ section. You also have the option to restrict the notification popup based on certain user roles: Always, Logged In & Logged Out. By default, ‘Show On’ is set to ‘Show Everywhere’ 因此,销售通知将显示在您网站的每个页面上。另一方面,您还可以指定要显示或隐藏的页面 “销售通知”.

SureCart Sales Integrations

点击后 '下一个' 按钮,您将被重定向到 '定制' 标签。

Step 6: Customize The Timing & Behaviour #

在下面 '定制' 标签,您会发现三个独立的部分:外观,时间和行为。来自 '出现' 部分,您可以设置要显示销售通知的位置,并使用复选框禁用/启用 ‘Close Button’ & ‘Hide on Mobile’ 选项。您甚至可以为通知弹出窗口设置最大宽度。

You can set the position for Sales Notification to either at the Bottom Left or Bottom Right side of your website. You can also show a ‘Close Button’ which can be clicked to close the Sales Notification. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to hide the “销售通知” 适用于移动设备(如果需要)。

“队列管理” 您可以为此通知激活全局队列系统。那时您将不需要编辑通知的计时部分。在“时间”部分,您可以自由设置时间 ‘Initial’, ‘Display For’ & ‘Delay Between’ options as per your preference from the ‘Timing’ section. You can set an initial time after which your “销售通知” will be popped up. By default, it is set to 5 seconds. You can also set a time limit for how long you want each notification popup to be displayed by modifying the ‘Display For’ field. To choose a time interval between two notifications of Sales Notification, simply set the time in the ‘Display Between’ field.

来自 '行为' 部分,您可以选择显示过去某些天的销售数量。通过检查 ‘Loop Notification’ 框,通知弹出窗口将继续显示。您也可以禁用此功能。当访问者单击通知弹出窗口时,您可以控制是希望链接在新窗口中打开还是在新选项卡中打开 ‘Open link in new tab’ 复选框。

SureCart Sales Integrations

第 7 步:发布您的通知 #

After you have completed step 6, click on the ‘发布’ button. As a result, the ‘Sales Notification’ will be successfully created. By following these mentioned steps and a bit more modifying & styling, your outcome would look like something like this.

SureCart Sales Integrations

This is how you can easily design and display appealing SureCart Sales alerts on your WordPress website using NotificationX. If you face any issues, you can contact our Support Team 这里.

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