How To Show ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert Using NotificationX

Avec NotificationX, you can showcase attractive popups to let everyone know when someone subscribes to your newsletter using ActiveCampaign. This premium feature of NotificationX PRO helps you to display ActiveCampaign email subscription alerts that boost your business by increasing conversions. This simple marketing trick helps you grow your user base and take your business to the next level.

Campagne active stands as a leading Email Marketing platform renowned for its effectiveness. NotificationX offers seamless integration with ActiveCampaign, enabling you to showcase recent subscriptions through eye-catching notification alerts on your website.

To initiate this integration, ensure you have your ActiveCampaign Account Keys in hand. These include the API Key and API URL, which you must generate from your ActiveCampaign Account. Simply copy these keys for further use.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

Guide To Show ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert Using NotificationX #

Once you have the ActiveCampaign keys, go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to wp-admin → NotificationX → Settings → API Integrations. From there, navigate to the ‘ActiveCampaign Settings’ tab and input the appropriate keys from your ActiveCampaign account. 

Additionally, you can specify a time interval for NotificationX to check your account for new subscriptions in the ‘Cache Duration’ settings. Once this is completed successfully, you’re all set.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

Once you’ve completed the previous steps, follow the guidelines below to showcase ActiveCampaign Email Subscription alerts using NotificationX.

Étape 1 : Ajouter une nouvelle notification #

Accédez à votre tableau de bord WordPress et accédez à wp-admin → NotificationX → Tous les NotificationX. Puis tout en haut, cliquez sur ‘Add New’. Or you can also simply go to the ‘Add New’ tab from the sidebar. 

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

Étape 2 : Choisissez une source #

Une fois l'étape 1 terminée, vous serez redirigé vers le 'La source' Onglet de votre interface utilisateur NotificationX. 

By default, the notification type is set as ‘Sales Notifications’. Simply write a title and choose ‘Email Subscription’ as your Notification type. Afterward, select ‘ActiveCampaign’ as your source to display ActiveCampaign Email Subscription alerts. Then, click on the ‘Next‘ bouton.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

Étape 3 : choisissez un thème de conception #

Du 'Conception' onglet, vous pouvez choisir une mise en page et également avoir la possibilité d'utiliser le «Conception avancée» option to customize it as per your preference. 

Du «Thèmes» section, you can choose a ‘theme‘ for your notification alert and this will be the layout of the Email Subscription Alerts that will be displayed on your website.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

Moreover, you can modify your chosen Theme by customizing it through the «Conception avancée» option. From this section, you will be able to easily add styling to your design, image appearance, and typography. You can add a Background or Text color for the notification popup.

Besides, you can also add a Border and add styling to it. Basically, an Email Subscription consists of three rows. From the 'Typographie' section, vous pouvez également modifier la taille de la police pour chaque ligne.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

Étape 4 : Configurer le contenu du modèle #

Vous serez ensuite redirigé vers le 'Contenu' onglet d'où vous pouvez modifier votre ‘Notification Template‘ and add your preferred content text. From here, you specify the ‘ActiveCampaign List’ from which the Email Subscription List will be fetched and displayed on your WordPress website.

NotificationX offers a «Modèle de notification» for your content where you can easily choose your preferred variables. These variables help to display the names of the users who have subscribed to your ActiveCampaign Email Newsletter on a certain day.  On the other hand, «Modèle avancé» vous donne un contrôle total sur la personnalisation de l'ensemble du contenu pour ‘ActiveCampaign Email Subscription’ ainsi que.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

De plus, vous pouvez également suivre les différents types de campagnes via NotificationX. «Contrôle UTM» allows you to add ‘Campaign’, ‘Medium’ et 'La source' to your ‘ActiveCampaign Email Subscription’ alerte.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

Étape 5 : Ajuster les options d'affichage #

dans le 'Afficher' Dans l'onglet, deux sections sont disponibles: Image et visibilité. Du ‘Image‘ section, you can use the checkbox to display the default image or an avatar in the notification popup. If the users don’t have any ‘Gravatar’ set in their profile, you can simply display the ‘Default‘ image by selecting the ‘Default Image’ checkbox and uploading a default image.

How To Show ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert Using NotificationX

Du 'Visibilité' section, you can set the pages where you want to display the Email Subscription. You also have the option to restrict the notification popup based on certain user roles: Always, Logged In & Logged Out. By default, ‘Show On’ est réglé sur ‘Show Everywhere’ as a result the Email Subscription popup will be displayed on every single page of your website. 

On the other hand, you can also specify the pages where you want to display or hide the ‘Email Subscription’ notification alert. Afterward, when you click on the 'Prochain' , vous serez redirigé vers le 'Personnaliser' Languette.

Étape 6 : Configurer l'apparence #

You also have the freedom to set time for the ‘Initial’, ‘Display For’ & ‘Delay Between’ options selon votre préférence de la 'Horaire' section. You can set an initial time after which your ‘Email Subscription’ une notification apparaîtra. Par défaut, il est défini sur 5 secondes.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

You can also set a time limit for how long you want each notification popup to be displayed by modifying the ‘Display For’ field. To choose a time interval between two notifications of Review, simply set the time in the ‘Display Between’ field. Or, if you want to display multiple types of notifications, you can simply activate the 'Gestion globale des files d'attente’option using NotificationX PRO

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

Du 'Comportement' section, you can choose to display a number of users who have subscribed to your Email Newsletter for certain past few days. By checking the ‘Loop Notification’ box, the notification popup will keep on displaying. You can disable this as well. When a visitor clicks on the notification popup, you can control whether you want the link to open in a new window or a new tab from the ‘Open link in new tab’ checkbox.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

D’un autre côté, le «Paramètres sonores» La section vous permet de choisir une alerte sonore pour votre popup d'abonnement par e-mail. Vous pouvez également contrôler son volume.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

Step 7: Publish Your ActiveCampaign Notification #

Après avoir terminé l'étape 6, cliquez sur le 'Publier' button. As a result, the ActiveCampaign Email Subscription alert will be successfully created.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

By following these mentioned steps and a bit more modifying & styling, the final outcome of your ActiveCampaign email subscription alert would look something like this.

ActiveCampaign Email Subscription Alert

By using NotificationX, this is how you can easily design and display an attractive ActiveCampaign Email Subscription alert on your WordPress website & grow your user base.

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