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How To Display Fluent Forms Submission Alert Using NotificationX?

3 minutos de lectura

NotificaciónX can help you to showcase new Fluent Forms Submission Alerts on your website and encourage other website visitors to sign-up for your form as well. Check out the guideline below to see how to easily display Fluent Forms Submission Alerts using NotificationX on any WordPress site. 

How To Configure Fluent Forms Submission Alert With NotificationX #

The step-by-step guide below will help you learn how to configure Fluent Forms Submission Alert with NotificationX. Before you begin, make sure that you have instalado y configurado su Fluent Forms enchufar en tu sitio web.

Paso 1: agregar una nueva notificación #

Open your WordPress dashboard, and navigate to ‘NotificationX’ → ‘All NotificationX’ → ‘Add New’ opción

Fluent Forms Submission Alert

 Paso 2: Elija una fuente

Desde el Fuente' tab page of NotificationX, choose 'Formulario de contacto' as your notification type. Afterward, simply pick ‘Fluent Forms’ como tu Fuente. Luego, haga clic en el 'Próximo' botón.

Fluent Forms Submission Alert

Paso 3: elige un tema de diseño #

Desde el 'Temas' section on the ‘Diseño’ tab pick a layout. The chosen layout is how your Fluent Forms Submission Alert se mostrará en su sitio web. 

You can further enable the ‘Diseño avanzado’ section here to add further design customization. You will be able to easily add styling to your design background, update image appearance, and select your preferred typography. Click on the 'Próximo' button once you are done with the design.

Fluent Forms Submission Alert

Paso 4: configurar el contenido de la plantilla #

Desde el Contenido pestaña, puedes modificar tu 'Plantilla de notificación ' and add your preferred content text. Afterward, go ahead and pick your preferred variables. Your selected variables will display the name, email address, subject, etc. of the users who have submitted a form via your Fluent Form.

Incluso puede realizar un seguimiento de los diversos tipos de campañas a través de NotificationX también. 'Control UTM' allows you to add ‘Campaign', 'Medio', y 'Fuente’ to your notification popup. Hit on the 'Próximo' button once you are done.

Fluent Forms Submission Alert

Paso 5: ajustar las opciones de visualización #

Desde el 'Imagen' section of the 'Monitor' tab, you can use the checkbox to display a default image or an avatar in the notification popup. From the 'Visibilidad' section, you can set the pages where you want to display the Fluent Forms Submission Alert. Click on the 'Próximo' button after adjusting the display options.

Fluent Forms Submission Alert

Paso 6: Configurar la apariencia #

Finally, there are four separate sections under the ‘Personalizar' Pestaña.

Apariencia- set the position for your Fluent Forms Submission Alert on your WordPress Website.

Sincronización- set time for ‘Initial', 'Display For’ & ‘Delay Between’ options as per your preference.

Comportamiento- elija mostrar el número de formularios enviados para ciertos días pasados.

Ajustes de sonido- enable ‘alerta sonora’ for your Fluent Forms Submission.

Fluent Forms Submission Alert

Paso 7: publique su notificación #

Now, you can see a preview of your Fluent From Submission Alert just by clicking on the ‘Preview’ button. You can even see how this alert will show on different screens.

Fluent Forms Submission Alert

Afterward, to make this notification live click on the 'Publicar' button. Your final outcome would look something like this:

Fluent Forms Submission Alert

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