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How To Configure Google Reviews With NotificationX?

1 min read

مع NotificationX PRO, you can easily display Google Reviews on your WordPress site to increase your online credibility. On your WordPress site, you can generate beautiful Google Review popups to keep your site visitors engaged. Check out the guideline below to see how to display Google Review alerts using NotificationX on any WordPress site.

ملحوظة: تأكد من أن لديك collected your API key from Google Console. For more follow this documentation. 

Configure Google Reviews With NotificationX #

Now follow these steps to easily integrate Google Reviews with NotificationX. Here you can get the newest 5 Google reviews or the most relevant ones as per your wish.

Step 1: Go To the ‘Settings’ From Dashboard #

تأكد من أن لديك installed & activated the NotificationX Pro plugin on your WordPress website. If you have already done it, you are then all ready to explore the Google Review alerts easily. From the ‘إعدادات’ tab, you have to enable ‘Google Reviews".

Google Reviews

Step 2: Validate Google Review API Key #

Now the API key you have gotten from the console, we have to integrate and validate it with NotificationX. Go to the ‘API Integration’ page, paste your key and click validate. 

Step 3: Go To The ‘Add New’ From Dashboard #

Now you have to add alerts from the dashboard. Navigate to Notifications→Add New, from there click on ‘المراجعات’ and choose Google as your source. 

Google Reviews

Step 4: Choose Google Review Theme #

من 'تصميمعلامة التبويب اختر أي موضوع إعلام تريده. إذا قمت بتمكين "تصميم متقدم"خيار يمكنك تعديل النموذج"لون الخلفية'، و 'لون الخط"مع لا نهاية لها"الحدودخيارات التخصيص. 

تحتالطباعةيمكنك ضبط حجم الخط المفضل لديك للنصوص. أيضًا ، يمكنك تخصيص موضع صورك بسهولة.

Google Reviews

Step 5: Set The Google Review Content #

To change your review content, go to the ‘المحتوى’ tab and you will have many advanced options to customize your review. From there you can select your Review and customize the Notification Template. In the Place Name field, set your desired location and Google will automatically detect the area. You can easily sort out your reviews based on ‘Most Relevant' أو 'Newest’ reviews. 

If you enable the ‘نموذج متقدم’ option you can manually add attributes to your review. Activate the ‘Random Order’ option to display notifications in random order.

Google Reviews

Step 6: Customize The Google Review Display #

تحتعرض’ tab, you can either upload any image or showcase the default images. You can set the visibility of your notification anywhere you want with proper display conditions.

Google Reviews

Step 7: Configure The Google Review Settings #

من 'يعدل أو يكيف’ tab, you can change your Google Review ‘مظهر خارجي"،"إدارة قائمة الانتظار"،"توقيت’, ‘Sound Settings، إلخ بسهولة.

Google Reviews

الحصيلة النهائية #

By following these mentioned steps and a bit more modifying, this is how you can display single, or multiple, Google Review alerts using NotificationX.

Google Reviews

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