How To Display Discount Alerts Using NotificationX?

Dengan PemberitahuanX, you can display Discount Alerts on your website. Such notification pop-ups will help you to attract and encourage your site visitors to purchase your products or services instantly. By displaying discount alerts on your website, you can leverage the highly effective FOMO marketing tactic.

How to Configure Discount Alerts with NotificationX #

Sebelum Anda mulai, pastikan Anda memilikinya installed and activated the NotificationX plugin on your website. Plus make sure you also have installed and activated the PRO plugin since this is a PRO feature. Let’s check out the guideline below to learn how to display Discount Alerts using NotificationX.

Langkah 1: Tambahkan Pemberitahuan Baru #

Buka Dashboard WordPress Anda dan arahkan ke wp-admin → NotificationX. Lalu tepat di atas, klik ‘Add New’. You can also simply go to the ‘Add New’ tab from the sidebar.

Discount Alerts

Langkah 2: Pilih Sumber #

Setelah Anda selesai dengan langkah 1, Anda akan diarahkan ke 'Sumber' Tab page of NotificationX. Choose your notification type and select ‘Discount Alert’ sebagai Sumber Anda. Kemudian, klik pada 'Lanjut' tombol.

Discount Alerts

Langkah 3: Pilih Tema Desain #

Dari 'Rancangan' tab, you can choose a ‘theme‘ for your notification alert – there are 5 different designs to choose from. Your chosen theme will be the layout of the Discount Alerts that will be displayed on your website.

Discount Alert

You can also customize the chosen theme by enabling ‘Advanced Designs’.  From this section, you will be able to easily add styling to your design, image appearance, and typography. Basically, Discount Alert consists of three rows. From the 'Tipografi' bagian, Anda juga dapat mengubah ukuran font untuk setiap baris.

Discount Alert

Langkah 4: Konfigurasikan Konten Template #

Anda kemudian akan diarahkan ke 'Kandungan' dari mana Anda dapat memodifikasi 'Templat Pemberitahuan' and add your preferred content text. You can easily go ahead and choose your preferred variables. These variables help to display offer titles, offer percentages, offer descriptions, CTA buttons & expiration times.

Di samping itu, 'Template Tingkat Lanjut' memberi Anda kendali penuh untuk menyesuaikan seluruh Konten untuk ‘Discount Alert’ demikian juga. Selain itu, Anda bahkan dapat melacak berbagai jenis kampanye melalui NotificationX juga. 'Kontrol UTM' allows you to add ‘Campaign’, ‘Medium’, dan 'Sumber' to your notification popup.

Discount Alert

Langkah 5: Sesuaikan Opsi Tampilan #

Dalam 'Tampilan' tab, there is one available section: Visibility. From the 'Visibilitas' section, you can set the pages where you want to display the Discount Alert. Below, you also have the option to restrict the notification popup based on certain user roles. After you click on the 'Lanjut' tombol, Anda akan diarahkan ke 'Sesuaikan' Tab.

Discount Alert

Step 6: Customize Discount Alert #

Di bawah 'Sesuaikan' tab, Anda akan menemukan empat bagian terpisah: Penampilan, Pengaturan Waktu, Pengaturan Perilaku & Suara. Dari 'Penampilan' section, you can set the position for Discount Alert to either at the button left or bottom right side of your website. Besides, you can even set a max-width for your notification popup as well.

Discount Alert

Besides, you also have the freedom to set time for the ‘Initial’, ‘Display For’ & ‘Delay Between’ pilihan sesuai preferensi Anda dari ‘Timing‘ section. You can also set a time limit for how long you want each notification popup to be displayed by modifying the ‘Display For’ field. To choose a time interval between two notifications of Review, simply set the time in the ‘Display Between’ field. Or, if you want to display multiple types of notifications, you can simply activate the 'Manajemen Antrian Global' option using NotificationX PRO.

Discount Alert

With the help of NotificationX PRO, you can also enable sound alerts for your notifications from the 'Pengaturan suara' section. You can easily choose a sound from the drop-down menu that will be played with each notification popup.

Discount Alert

Langkah 7: Publikasikan Pemberitahuan Anda #

Setelah Anda menyelesaikan langkah 6, klik pada 'Menerbitkan' tombol. Akibatnya, ‘Discount Alert Notification’ akan berhasil dibuat. 

Discount Alert

Dengan mengikuti langkah-langkah yang disebutkan ini dan sedikit lebih banyak modifikasi & penataan, hasil akhir Anda akan terlihat seperti ini:

Discount Alert

Ini adalah bagaimana Anda dapat dengan mudah merancang dan menampilkan yang menarik ‘Discount Alert’ on your WordPress website and boost your sales with NotificationX.

If you face any issues or have any queries, you can contact our tim pendukung.

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