[NEW] NotificationX Is Now Compatible With WPML

We are ecstatic to share another amazing update for our users – NotificationX is compatible with WPML, the most popular WordPress Multilingual Translation Plugin. You can now use this powerful social proof marketing solution in any language, and use it to boost conversions for multilingual websites! 🥳

NotificationX Is Compatible With WPML

NotificationX Is Now A WPML Certified Plugin 

For any business or marketer, social proof and FOMO marketing are essential to build trust and credibility. But it can be quite challenging to build that trust when the native language of your target audience is different from yours. 

WPML is one of the most popular WordPress translation plugins available for creating multilingual websites. And now that NotificationX is compatible with WPML, marketers can translate their social proof notification alerts in any language they want and gain the credibility of site visitors from anywhere in the world. 

This NotificationX and WPML partnership would not have been possible without the collaboration and dedicated efforts of both WPML and NotificationX teams. We are grateful to WPML team for their support and recognition. 

Diving Deeper Into NotificationX And WPML Partnership

With our latest update of NotificationX v2.1.0 and NotificationX PRO v2.1.0, we are thrilled to introduce compatibility with WPML plugin. 

Because of this new NotificationX and WPML partnership, you can now effortlessly translate your social proof popup alerts in any language you want. This will help you to communicate with potential customers from any part of the world and make your social proof marketing campaigns more successful. 

[NEW] NotificationX Is Now Compatible With WPML

That’s not all; you can also translate NotificationX admin interface to use this powerful plugin in any language you want. This makes NotificationX more accessible to marketers or WordPress users from all parts of the world. 

Let’s dive deeper into this new NotificationX and WPML partnership, and see in detail how this can benefit you.

Use NotificationX On Multilingual Websites Effortlessly 

As mentioned earlier, since NotificationX is compatible with WPML, you can now use NotificationX in any language on multilingual websites.

To do this, you will need to have a few plugins installed and activated on your website. These include:

If you want to use premium features from NotificationX, then you also have to keep NotificationX PRO installed and activated on your website along with the above plugins. 

Afterward, you simply need to configure your themes and plugin localization settings in WPML plugin. From there, you will need to make sure the checkboxes next to NotificationX and NotificationX PRO plugins are selected. 

By clicking on the ‘Scan Selected Plugins For Strings’ button you can see which NotificationX strings can be translated. You can check out the whole process in our documentation here. 

NotificationX is compatible with WPML

Afterward, you can translate NotificationX admin interface by going to WPML→ String Translation and choose which strings you want to translate. You can click on the ‘+’ icon to choose which language you want to translate the string to, as shown below.

multilingual translation plugin

When you go back to your NotificationX dashboard, you will see that the NotificationX interface has been translated.

multilingual translation plugin WPML

Similarly you can also translate specific input fields in your NotificationX interface. To learn more, make sure to check out our guide on how to translate NotificationX admin interface with WPML. 

Translate NotificationX Social Proof Alerts In Any Language

If you want to translate NotificationX social proof alerts with WPML, you now do that easily with one click, straight from your NotificationX dashboard. Since NotificationX is compatible with WPML, you will find a ‘translate icon’ next to any social proof alerts that you have created with NotificationX as shown below.

multilingual translation plugin WPML

By clicking on this icon, you will be taken to a new window where you can find the string that you want to translate. Afterwards, you will be able to translate NotificationX social proof alerts and display them on your site.

multilingual translation plugin WPML

Translate WordPress Optin Bars In Elementor In Any Language

If you have created WordPress notification bars in Elementor for your website with NotificationX, you can now translate it into any language you want because of the new NotificationX and WPML partnership. 

From your NotificationX admin dashboard, click on the translate icon as shown earlier. From there, a new window will appear where you can translate WordPress optin bar. You can find the full step-by-step instructions for doing this in our documentation here. Once you are done with all the steps, your WordPress optin bar will be translated.

This is how you can now translate NotificationX in any language and effortlessly use it on your multilingual websites, with the help of WPML plugin.

Boost Conversions For Your Multilingual Website With NotificationX And WPML

Making NotificationX compatible with WPML is only the beginning; we are constantly working on introducing new updates and features that will make NotificationX the best WordPress marketing plugin for any marketer or business. If you have feature requests or suggestions you would like to share with us, feel free to reach out to our support team; we would love to know your feedback. 

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Picture of Tanaz


Tanaz is a content creator who has a passion for writing--be it for tech products, book reviews, or film recommendations. She has a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a major in Marketing. Her hobbies include blogging, reading, and obsessing over all things Disney.

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