Are you struggling to market your startup on a tight budget? You are not alone. Many startups face this challenge. However, the good news is that effective performance marketing does not require a fortune. This blog explores 10 low-cost strategies, backed by free resources, to help you reach your target audience and drive growth.
"Startup Marketing: 10 Proven Low-Cost Strategies + FREE Resources"の続きを読むWhat Is Net Promoter Score (NPS): Complete Guide with Formula, Tips & Strategies?
Want to know how likely customers are to recommend your business? A way to that is ネットプロモータースコア(NPS) a powerful research metric for businesses to measure customer complaints, and positive feedback and predict growth. A good score in NPS indicates trust and growth on both sides. This blog introduces you to NPS, how to calculate it and its need in your business to maximize NPS and convert satisfied customers into growth guides.
"What Is Net Promoter Score (NPS): Complete Guide with Formula, Tips & Strategies?"の続きを読む15+ Small Business Statistics & Insightful Trends You Should Know in 2024
In 2024, the market of small businesses is constantly changing, affected by many factors such as shifting consumer preferences, technical advancements, マーケティングトレンド, and economic instabilities. As small entrepreneurs and business owners go through these changes, it becomes highly crucial to stay informed about the latest business trends and small business statistics that are shaping the industry.
"15+ Small Business Statistics & Insightful Trends You Should Know in 2024"の続きを読むCustomer Complaints: Top 7 Common Complaints and How to Resolve Them Easily
In business, it is common to deal with customer complaints. This shows how important it is to have effective customer service to solve these issues. Whenever a customer interacts with a business, there is a chance they might be happy or unhappy. How a business deals with unhappy customers shows how much they care about putting customers first. The inevitable need for proficient customer complaint handling in your business operation is discussed in this blog.
"Customer Complaints: Top 7 Common Complaints and How to Resolve Them Easily"の続きを読む